Friday, September 21, 2012

Daunting but powerfully exciting...those were the words Henry Winkler tweeted when I asked him how it felt to be returning to Broadway for the first time in many years.  That's exactly how I feel now.  Determined to start a new chapter in my life after the age of 50 is definitely daunting, but then Henry also tweeted when I turned 50 that the best is yet to come, which is certainly powerfully exciting...although on certain days I can only do powerfully exciting after a long soak in a hot tub to get moving, but I power on.

If someone told me one day I'd be chatting with the biggest crush of my youth, Fonzie, I would have called them a crazy loon and yet here I sit quoting his words and drawing inspiration from him as an author.  If you haven't read his book "I Never Met an Idiot on the River" run out and buy it.  It's not just about fly fishing but life lessons and, no, I don't get a promotion fee from The Fonz, just the satisfaction of knowing you'll love it as much as I did.  Also for the kids, the Hank Zipzer and Ghost Buddy series are awesome.  Again no kickbacks...I swear.

Before I start Yatko Chronicles stories, I wanted to share with you how I got to this point.  People have been telling me for years I should write a humor book or this would make a hilarious sitcom.  I knew I had great material and started writing everything down, but enter life...a mortgage, full-time job, three dogs, a cat, husband, daughter...yep, I'll just put that on my list of to-do things, which is where it sat for the past decade. .

The Yatko Chronicles has taken on many forms over the past three years--cartoon strip, humor book, memoir, children's series, screenplay and some of those ideas are still in the works.  On the advice of professionals, while working on these other forms, it was suggested I share my stories with you through this blog, which is why I'm here.  My daughter and I had intended to launch the blog, a Twitter page about a very special eye patch wearing pooch, and a Yatko Chronicles Facebook page all on August 3, which would have been my mom's 86th birthday, but once again life and its unexpected complications popped up and family issues took priority.  My dad and stepmom have both had health issues.  I'm happy to report both are feeling much better.  So beginning next week, you'll be able to start reading parts of The Yatko Chronicles and get to know the cast of characters through stories, pictures, cartoons...the whole nine yards.  

Before I end this first post, I'd like to thank my very special friends on Twitter and Facebook for your encouragement, support and friendship.  Through Facebook I've reconnected with so many friends, life long and long lost, it would take forever to list them all since at last count there were 530.

When I started tweeting, it was just to promote The Yatko Chronicles, but I connected with folks from all over the country and around the world, including two incredibly special young people, Amanda and William, who always make me smile.  I'd like to mention all of my twitter friends here, but again, there are many.  You know who you are...your morning greetings start my day with a gigantic grin and I'm already looking forward to our awards season twittering...just a warning to certain tweeters: when George Clooney dumps Stacey, he's mine!!!!

Also, it has been so cool to chat with celebrities like Henry Winkler, Steven Weber, Robert Falls, Brenda Chapman and my favorite follower Robin Roberts.  When Robin followed me, I bounced out of my chair and sprinted to my dad's to share the news.  Now you have to understand Dad still watches Lawrence Welk on Sundays on PBS.  He has no clue what Twitter is and quite frankly nor does he care, but he knew it was something special because he said I was running around like a chicken with its head chopped off.  I've never seen a chicken minus its head. other than in a roasting pan, nor do I want to, but I was excited.  Robin Roberts has always held a special place in my heart.  A woman of faith with such grace and strength plus she played a mean game of basketball and if you grew up in Nanticoke, as I did, you loved basketball or moved to another town.  Please keep Robin in your thoughts and prayers as she recovers from the bone marrow transplant and consider signing up for the bone marrow registry.  

Thanks for stopping by.  Next week you'll meet Mom.  Ya all come back now, ya hear!


  1. Fantastic Jackie!!! I google +ed, tweeted and shared on FB. I'm so excited for you.. and us, because we get to read it. :)

  2. Excellent Start Jac .. looking forward for more to come :)
